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Fan reports

Track creator's fan growth and subscriber trends.

Updated today

Tracking the number of subscribers gained, lost, or retained over a specific time period is simple.

Fan reports give you key insights into your creators' fan growth and subscriber trends. You'll know where their fans are coming from, who their top fans are, how many fans are active, and the rate at which they've turned auto-renew on or off.

About traffic earnings

Traffic earnings give you a clear overview of where your creators are performing their best. By using tracking links or adjusting the traffic source of a fan you've messaged, you'll know which channels (Discord, Reddit, TikTok, etc.) the creator receives the most engagement online.

See more about tracking links.

Understanding fan retention

Fan reports let you monitor the rate at which fans maintain their subscription with the creator you manage over a period of time.

Monitoring fan retention strategies

Here are possible ways you can use the fan retention table to optimize your engagement strategies:

  1. Spot when fans leave: See when fans tend to cancel their subscriptions and find out why they're leaving. This may be due to inactivity, poor PPV performance, or unsatisfying employee interactions.​

  2. Decide how often to post: Use the table to figure out how often your employees should post content to keep fans engaged and subscribed. If you notice that fans tend to unsubscribe after a specific number of days without fresh content, you can advise employees to maintain a consistent posting schedule.​

  3. Comparing creator performance: Use the table to compare the performance of different creators to see who's keeping fans the longest and who needs improvement. This can help in identifying which Creators have the highest and lowest fan retention, allowing you to share best practices or assign your best employees to improve fan retention.

  4. Testing exclusive content: See if offering special content to new and long-term subscribers keeps them around longer. Analyze if this strategy positively impacts fan retention over time.​

Measuring reactivation campaigns: Monitor the fan retention chart to measure the success of reactivation campaigns. Determine if campaigns to bring back expired fans are working by checking if retention goes up after the campaign.

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