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Message Dashboard

Learn how to review employee messages, monitor performance, and track PPV message sales with Message Dashboard

Updated over a week ago

Infloww’s Message Dashboard simplifies quality assurance, centralizing all necessary information for reviewing employee messages, monitoring performance, and tracking sales.

This feature makes it easier to monitor your employees' messages without having to open the inbox and review each conversation individually.

How to monitor employee messages

With Message Dashboard, you can see all messages your employees send to fans and monitor the quality of every conversation.

This ensures interactions fit your Creator's voice and follow the platform's content guidelines. You can also stay on top of potential issues like spam or unauthorized promo links, ensuring compliance and protecting your Creators and your business.

In Message Reports, you have access to two views:

  1. Direct messages: include direct messages sent to online fans, excluding auto-messages and mass messages

  2. OF mass messages: include all OF mass messages that are scheduled, sent, and unsent on Infloww

In both views, you can review all messages:

  • Sent by an employee

  • Unsent by you or an employee

  • Scheduled by an employee (OF mass messages)

You can also track:

  • Purchase status: whether a PPV message was purchased or not

  • Message earnings: the total amount earned in a message

  • Reply time: how long it takes for an employee to respond to a message

  • Sent to: who the recipient of the message was

And, if you need to understand the context of a message or reply, you can open the conversation in Messages Pro directly from the Message Reports page. This saves you time and makes quality control more efficient.

Note: Message reports are updated every 5 minutes. The data in your messages only includes messages sent in Infloww.

How to open a conversation

Want to read an employee's full conversation? Here's how:

  • From the Direct messages or OF mass messages dashboard, go to Actions

  • Under Actions, click on the "open the chat" icon

How to unsend a message

If you want to unsend a message an employee sent, here's how:

  • From the Direct messages or OF mass messages dashboard, go to Actions

  • Under Actions, click on the "unsend" icon

  • Click confirm to unsend the selected message

Note: You can't unsend PPV messages that have been purchased by a fan

Sorting and filtering through messages

With Message Dashboard, you can easily sort and filter messages directly in the dashboard.

You can sort and filter messages by:

  • Creator: Search for one or more Creators' messages

  • Date: View messages from the past year; all other dates are disabled

  • Sender: Search for one or more employees' messages

  • Price range: Filter messages by price range

  • Purchased status: Filter by purchased and non-purchased PPVs

  • Message status: View sent or withdrawn messages

  • Fan (Sent to): Search for messages sent to specific fans

Note: You can only view messages sent to fans if a Creator has been selected first

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