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Time zones for reports

Learn how time zones work on Infloww and set your preferred time zone for consistent reporting

Updated over a week ago

Knowing how time zones work in Infloww can be confusing, especially when comparing numbers between your reports and what you see in the platform manager.

In this article, you'll be able to learn how to set your preferred time zone and ensure consistent and accurate reporting.

How time zones are used on Infloww

Time zone for reports

Applies to Creator Reports and Fan Reports.

Regular time zone

Applies to Employee Reports, Shift Schedule, and Shift History.

How time zones work

Let's say you're an agency owner based in Dubai, but you prefer to run your business using PST (Pacific Standard Time).

When you go to the OF Manager on Infloww, statements reflect your local time zone (Dubai), while Infloww reports will show your selected time zone.

Ensuring consistent and accurate reports by adjusting time zone settings

As a workaround, agency owners and managers can set their preferred time zone by adjusting their time zone settings wherever they're based.

To match Infloww reports with the platform, the easiest way is to change the time zone for Creator and fan reports to your local time zone. Otherwise, you can directly change the time zone in your device settings.

To adjust time zone preferences:

  • From Settings, go to Your Preferences

  • From Your Preferences, select:

    • Your preferred time zone for Creator and fan reports

    • Your regular time zone that appears on the Manager

    • (Optional) select when you want your weekly reports to begin

Remember: The platform manager's time will be based on your local time zone, while Infloww's analytics will display reports according to the time zone set for Creator and Fan reports.

What's next? Learn how analytics work on Infloww.

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